
An integrated IT system, for an optimal management of resources

The utmost precision and flexibility: Brivio & Viganò relies on technology to manage the critical cruxes of the process like the planning of collection and delivery sequences, the assignment of journeys and the traceability of operations. The Company operates with a transport management system (TMS) that is able to offer support in the planning and organisational phases of deliveries that also allows it to assess in advance and monitor and compare costs and margins for every single route. In addition, the software used in the warehouse (WMS) manages requirements associated with the products' shelf-life, in terms of respecting FIFO and the required date, control of expiries to avoid returns from the distribution centres and management of requests for the assignment of goods with dates no earlier than those set within the system, for each Customer and type of product.

A complete solution is also used for warehouse accounting that is detailed by code at the batch level, expiries and SSCC for the identification of deliveries at the level of the handling units and for the management of packaging, pallets or crates, used in deliveries. In addition, the high percentage of company owned vehicles allows a centralised management of every phase of the distribution process and has led to the Company taking some actions to monitor the different states of the goods during that entire cycle such as the possibility to send DESADV delivery notifications to distribution centres, offer a Track&Tracing service, integrate the POD (Proof of Delivery) for distribution centres and scan DDT at the time of deliveries.

Promptly innovative

The fleet and the back office are linked thanks to the use of an interactive platform developed by TRANSICS which collects all of the information regarding the fleet and has the advantage of being able to integrate the devices installed in vehicles and the applications used in the offices. Finally, additional special programs allow the company to optimise planning and be constantly updated on the temperatures in the refrigerated trailers in order to react promptly in the event of anomalies and to assess in an objective manner the economic and technological aspects associated with the performance of drivers on the road.

Brivio & Viganò - 20865 Usmate Velate (MB) - Via G.L. Bernini, 12 - Tel +39 039 9061 - Fax +39 039 674189 -